With a charitable donation through the Story County Community Foundation you have the opportunity to benefit the Outdoor Alliance of Story County forever. The earnings from this endowment and future gifts provide a permanent source of income today and in the future. For more information about endowments click here.
What is Endow Iowa? The Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program was created for the benefit of Iowa citizens. The program includes a tax incentive program administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. By applying for the Endow Iowa Tax Credits, individuals, businesses and financial institutions can receive a State of Iowa tax credit equal to 25% of their gift to the Outdoor Alliance of Story County permanently endowed fund held with the Story County Community Foundation. This Iowa tax credit is in addition to normal federal charitable deductions. For more information about Endow Iowa click here.
Online Donations
Click here to donate to the Outdoor Alliance of Story County Endowment Fund by credit card.
Check DoNAtions
Make checks payable to Outdoor Alliance of Story County Endowment Fund and mail to:
Story County Community Foundation
P.O. Box 1666
Ames, IA 50010
P.O. Box 1666
Ames, IA 50010
Please print and include the following information:
Name ______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone number _________________________________________________
Email address __________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed $ ___________________________________________
We will never disclose, sell or distribute your name or other personal information without your permission.
Name ______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone number _________________________________________________
Email address __________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed $ ___________________________________________
We will never disclose, sell or distribute your name or other personal information without your permission.