Investing in outdoor recreation, education and conservation contributes hundreds of millions of dollars annually to Iowa's economy, create jobs that enrich our lives, enhance our health and build community, including in Story County. A yes vote this fall supporting Story County's bond referendum to enhance access to outdoor recreation, education and conservation will make this possible well into the future. The bond referendum investments include better protecting our water, waterways, and land; improve and expand recreational trails, parks, and habitat; and, make other park improvements needed in a growing county with growing demand for outdoor opportunities. Having access to the funds from the bond referendum will allow Story County Conservation access to other funds including project grants; it also allows Story County Conservation the ability to better plan its major investments well into the future. Voting yes November 5 creates this path forward to a future in Story County where we would want to live, work and enjoy outdoor opportunities. In the process, we will create more jobs, a more prosperous community, a healthier enviroment, and, is also an investment in ourselves. Spending time with nature is also good for our nature. The links below highlight how Story County would use the bond funding to begin to restore the water and land we depend upon; how spending time in nature makes us healthier, and, the economic impacts of investing in the outdoors at our links below. STORY COUNTY WATER AND LAND LEGACY BOND The Nature Fix Story County Conservation's Economic Impact The Economic Impact of Biking in Iowa Iowa's Water & Land Legacy Investing in the Outdoors - Links to Our Future |